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How The Middle Class Mentality Is Killing The Middle Class...

Writer: Andrew VeglasAndrew Veglas

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

Some people are brought up poor; with no money, no family, yet have the determination to succeed. Others are brought up with a family and enough money to put food on the table; that’s middle class.

The middle class is taught the one main thing. How to stay being in the middle class.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being a middle class citizen, for certain, I am. However, the goal of life is to enjoy it, you only have one. With only one life, wouldn't you prefer to live it to the fullest? If you prefer to live it to the fullest, that would insinuate that working 40 hours a week from age 22 to 65 (43 years) for a job that you don't enjoy, and that pays you nothing, would be a waste of time. Wouldn't you much rather be working on your dream project, flying to share your visions on your Gulfstream G650ER en route to Monaco? Or meeting your buddies down at Monticello Raceway to race around in your Ferrari Cup cars? I certainly rather. Even if you don’t care for material items, wouldn’t it be nice to not stress about your mortgage or paying bills..?

It has become more apparent to me that we are all taught the same thing, the middle class mentality. After high school, you go off to college. After graduating college you get a normal boring job that you have little passion towards. During the work week, you work from 9-5 and then party on the weekends with friends. You buy a new car, spend most of your income on frivolous items and maybe eventually save up for a house. We’re all taught to do that, and so were our parents because that’s what their parents taught them. Three generations of the same financial and life education. Yet in a matter of weeks, social norms (which have no basis on our financial freedom) can change in an instant.

Why would we continue to follow the paths of our parents/grandparents which clearly haven't worked?

Where have we gone wrong?

Instead of blaming rich people for being too successful, or trying to blame God for giving you a difficult childhood, why don’t we look to see what can be done. Of course everyone’s situation is different and not everyone has access to the same information. But I guarantee you 99.99% of people in the U.S have access to the internet, or a book. The library exists to learn. Although this site is just a small vessel to changing the perception on income and wealth creation, people can still learn on their own.

My goal is to relay what tactics the wealthy and elite use in order to create and grow their wealth. It is not rocket science: just take all of those ‘myths’ that your parents or grandparents taught you and throw them out the window…

For example,

The stereotypes and beliefs such as investing is difficult and only for the wealthy, all debt is bad, we shouldn’t take risks, failure is bad.

All of those things are FALSE.

At this moment, if anyone is actually reading this, you’re thinking to yourself

“He doesn’t know my situation. He doesn’t understand how hard we work to provide for our family. He didn’t have it as bad as we did.”

I’m not taking any of that away from you. I know you work your tail off to make ends meet, probably work overtime or have multiple jobs. Good for you.

The reason I’m making these points are to convey to you that there is a way out.

For some people it might be more difficult, it might be more work. But “when you’re going through hell, keep going. Why would you stop in hell?”

Your life might be difficult, it might absolutely suck, or it might be fine and normal... Regardless the case, why wouldn’t you want to improve it?

This isn't an attack on being a middle class citizen, it is an attempt to help you open your eyes and motivate you to change your life for the better.

I guarantee that there is nobody in this world who wouldn’t mind to have some extra money. You’re the only one who can control your life. DO SOMETHING.




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