Have you ever wondered why the ratio of wealthy (+$5 million/year) individuals: average Joe is so disproportionate?
If you have, you probably said they have a rich dad or are lucky.
I can guarantee that most of you are content with being in the place you are today...
Working for your money. How's that going?
Working everyday to make ends meet, then to make yourself feel good, spending that money on a car, house, clothes, drinks, etc..
Then when you hit your sixties and you're screwed.
To say it plain and simple, school fucked you.
You're taught how to become an employee. That is fine for you, just stop complaining that the rich guy is too rich.
You really only have two ways to guarantee continuous wealth and freedom in this life.
Continually invest your income to other income producing assets.
Invest in yourself, Start your own company, reinvest earnings, and have your money work for you.
The latter of the two options is how you become successful.
You see, financial success and becoming rich doesn't mean a deep wallet or heavy bank account. It means you have the ability to work for towards your passion. It grants you the ability to help others, to grow yourself and your community. It allows you to have financial freedom and have your money grow while doing NADA.
Like I said, school screws you over. The 'employee mindset' is a detriment to you and to society.
You live in fear of loosing money and are constantly chasing it. You think once you have it or more of it, then all of your problems will be solved...
Spoiler alert! They aren't.
Learn to grow your own money, by doing what you please. Learn to continually plant dozens of seeds so you can have an orchard of money trees (several diversified income streams).
All it takes is finding your passion.
What angers you + What you love = PASSION.
Find it.
For you kids out there, read, unlearn personal finances taught in school, read more. re-learn.
We can help.